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Here Comes Mango IPA

United States
Here Comes Mango IPA by Belching Beaver Brewery
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
20 / 24
36 / 40
6 / 6
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

If you’re a fan of classic movies and Mel Brooks you’ll love this beer, a delicious and fruity IPA without the punch to the face. The Amarillo and Simcoe hops complement the natural mango flavors for a juicy, tropical and well-balanced beer. It’s not over the top fruity, still very much an IPA, but never mind that HERE COMES MANGO!

Beverage Profile
Amarillo, Simcoe
2-Row, Vienna, Acidulated
Judges Review 
David Sapsis's picture
Judges Rating:
20 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

Mango IPA -- Judged as BJCP category 29 A, Fruit Beer.

The  beer was presented in a kolsch stange -- 3" beer and 3" light cream head of mixed bubbles. Foam stand lasted  3+ minutes. The color is a deep gold, with brilliant clarity and abundant traces of outgassing. Looks lively and enticing!

The nose of the beer is bright and tropical with notes of mango dominating above guava, passionfruit and sweet orange. A very light biscuity-cracker note (ala pilz malt) brings up the back-end. Overall, the aroma is sweet and perfumy fruity-floral, but not particularly hoppy. Interesting.

The flavor starts off with biscuit malt only to be immediately swallowed up by a massive fruity note of mango and orange, with a quick hit of bitterness that only barely leaves a mark, washed over by light cereal-malt notes and the long trail of fruit and sweetness. The flavor has a bit of an extract/chemical angle to it as it lingers on and on through the late palate. The finish is surprisingly sweet even though bitterness reemerges well after swallowing. Much like the nose, the palate is overall sweet and very fruity, with mango dominating above a tropical/fruit backdrop. The finish sweetness seemingly adds to the fruity character. It's not that bitterness and some more traditional late hop elements are not there, but rather they seem swamped by the overt tropical fruit and sugary balance in the beer. The bitterness level  supports the IPA moniker, but the balance seems to do it a disservice. To my mind, a somewhat more attenuated and drier finish would improve the beer. That said, it's very drinkable, and the fruitiness will appeal to many. Considering food pairings, I'm thinking the beer would mate up well with some good southern fried chicken -- I'd probably go through two pints, so take my criticisms lightly.  

Brewery Introduction

Belching Beaver Brewery came from a desire to make great beer and have a Dam good time doing it. When we started the company we wanted to do two things: First, have a brand that offered quality craft beer but was whimsical and fun to inspire good times.
