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The Best Beer & Breweries Awards Sponsors

Sponsors of The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online annual best beer, best mead, best cider and best seltzer awards and its Official Review.


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Guide on Alcohol Vape Juice Flavors

The true essence of a vape hit lies in its flavor. It is contained in the vape’s e-juice. 

This e-liquid also comprises derivatives of alcohol like glycerin and glycol. They are usually coupled with fruity flavors that leave a sense of ecstasy with each puff. 

Vaping devices come in various forms and features. And flavor compatibility is a must for a thrilling vaping experience.

So, read on to learn more about the best alcohol-based e-juice flavors you can try for vaping the next time.

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Best Practices For Food & Beverage Planning At Conferences

In a world that increasingly frowns upon in-person events and gatherings, food and beverages remain the sole saving grace that still manage to bring people together. Whether it's a trade conference, a press meet, or an academic snoozefest, the F&B stations remain the centerpiece that gets conversations going, and networks building, apart from creating memorable experiences for the attendees.

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Blackjack Online: Fun And Profitable Strategies

DISCLAIMER: is not a betting or gambling operator of any kind. It provides editorials for information and entertainment purposes only and holds no responsibility for third-party websites linked to from this site.

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Choosing The Best Casinos For Gambling And Tourism

DISCLAIMER: is not a betting or gambling operator of any kind. It provides editorials for information and entertainment purposes only and holds no responsibility for third-party websites linked to from this site.

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Can Gambling Generate Income?

DISCLAIMER: is not a betting or gambling operator of any kind. It provides editorials for information and entertainment purposes only and holds no responsibility for third-party websites linked to from this site.

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The Biggest Drinkers in the MLB

The moment baseball fans hear that familiar sound of a baseball hitting the bat and the pop of a beer can being opened, they understand that the season has fully started. Beer consumption at baseball matches will increase because fans were starved of sporting games during the unprecedented events of 2020.

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Why is Beer Popular on Tennis Grounds?

Suppose you have been in a live tennis ground. In that case, you can tell that the tension during tennis games is more intense when you watch live than when you watch from the comfort of your television. Tennis games are usually gripping. As the tennis ball travels from the smack of bats to different ends of the court, your eyes and the eyes of thousands of fans on the tennis ground will be trailing the ball’s movement.

