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Randy Scorby's picture

Batch 15 IPA

March, 2016

Batch 15 IPA

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This beer pours a light amber color with a long-lasting, off-white head that leaves nice lacing on the glass. It greets the drinker with a prominent grapefruit and resiny hop aroma, with a light bready and caramel maltiness to offer some support to the hops. The flavor follows suit, with a strong grapefruit and resin hop flavor that transitions nicely into a fairly high but smooth hop bitterness that lingers through the dry finish and beyond into the aftertaste. A light bready malt emerges behind the hop bitterness to provide a pleasant balance, but still allows the hops to take center stage. The fermentation character is fairly neutral. This is a satisfying northwest-style IPA that is sure to please a wide variety of hop lovers.