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Nelson Crowle's picture

Sticky Hands

April, 2016
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This beer pours a slightly hazy gold color with a big poofy head of fine, ivory-colored bubbles that sticks around for quite a while. Sniffing across the top of the glass brings up a strong grapefruit aroma and then some bread, crackers and bread crusts along with some piney hops. The flavor is actually somewhat different from the aroma with grassy, piney, resinous, garlic and dank earthy hop notes. The malt flavor is bready and bread crust, which is just enough to hold up the massive hop flavor and very high (almost astringent) bittering into a very dry and crisp finish. There is just a smidge of peach fruitiness -- from either the yeast or one of the newer hop varietals -- that starts to balance out the bitterness as the beer warms up. The bitterness will melt the enamel off your teeth -- but also could go nicely with some Jamaican jerk chicken wings.