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Josh Weikert's picture

Blue Point Beach Plum Gose

October, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Blue Point's Beach Plum Gose (judged as a category 29B, Fruit & Spice Beer, in the 2015 BJCP Guidelines) is an interesting and surprisingly approachable version of a challenging style, with solid basics and interesting flavors!

It pours medium-gold with a slight haze (OK for the style), with a thin white head that is still fairly persistent.  The initial aroma is lightly sour and funky, with a low level of fruit and a low-medium background bready malt character.  There's a lot less going on than the description might suggest, but there are hints of a lot of complicated flavors.

The beer really jumps out at you on the palate, however: a moderate acidic note balances well against a richer grainy flavor than the aroma would suggest, with moderate dark fruit flavor that seems less "full" against the light and sour and salty elements.  Very light in body and with high carbonation, it's a great palate-scrubber!

Overall, this is an interesting example of the style.  Like most Goses on the shelves these days, it's more overtyl acidic than traditional examples, but the effect works in this recipe.  A worthy addition to the marketplace, and a beer that should find a surprisingly broad audience.
