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Josh Weikert

Josh Weikert's picture
Beer Judge

​Josh Weikert took up homebrewing in 2007 as a means of staying sane during graduate school, and even though school is over, the brewing continues! He is a founding member and past president of the Stoney Creek Homebrewers, has medaled in every BJCP beer style, is a BJCP Grand Master Judge and Certified Cicerone, and is a two-time Eastern Pennsylvania Homebrewer of the Year.  He is also the author of the Beer: Simple blog (

Josh is a professor and lecturer in political science, specializing in political communication and political psychology. He lives in Collegeville, PA with his wife, Barbara (also an award-winning brewer), and their dog Biscuit (who has yet to win any medals, but is remarkably happy to watch on brew days).


My articles

The Origins of Pumpkin Beer
I don’t know that there’s a beer more pathologically, frequently and substantively misunderstood than pumpkin beer. I’m not talking about the...
Top Emerging Beer Styles for 2019
So much beer, so little time. It almost makes one nostalgic for the days when there were only a handful of craft breweries and even fewer that...
The Pros and Cons of Pumpkin Beer
If you were looking to start a craft beer bar brawl and could only ask one question, you could do a lot worse than, “So, how about those pumpkin...
What Determines the Color of Beer?
Did you know all beer is red? We don’t perceive all beer as red, of course, but deep down in its molecules, it is. Since all beer is red, what...
How to Host the Best Beer Tasting Party
There is arguably no better way for both new and veteran beer geeks to learn about beer than to host a beer tasting party. Not only does it provide...
The Difference Between Sour and Wild Ale
Sour and Wild Ales have become increasingly popular, both within The Beer Connoisseur community and without. While they have substantial differences...
A Primer on Bottle-Conditioned Beer
Beer is alive. Well, not all beer, and technically I suppose it isn’t the beer that’s alive but rather that there are living things in the beer, but...

My reviews


Quintaceratops Brooklyn Beer
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
18 / 24
30 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
14 / 20

I have no doubt that there were good intentions and sound reasoning behind this beer, and it may find an audience, but I doubt it will work for most people. An overabundance of liquor-like aromas and flavors - and the unavoidable ash-like phenolics - were just a bridge too far for me.

... Read More

Barrel-Aged Dosvidanya

Destihl Brewery Dosvidanya Russian Imperial Stout Beer
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Bourbon barrels are something of a mixed blessing in beer. When breweries get it right, they add notes that are tough to get from any other source; when they get it wrong, you end up with a woody, alcoholic mess. This one gets it very right.

The beer pours an inky black with a light brown... Read More

Fake Plastic Trees

Birdsong Beer Fake Plastic Trees
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
35 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Breweries seem to struggle with what to name beers these days -- is it an IPA? A pale ale? An American Wheat? In this case, whatever you want to call it, the answer is "a great beer that's an excellent seasonal offering."

This "Hoppy Wheat" beer pours a hazy gold, with a fluffy white head... Read More


Rumpkin by Avery Brewing Co.
Judges Rating:
4 / 6
22 / 24
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

Specialty beers often have a high-wire to walk. This one has three (wood aging, high alcohol, and spicing) and does a good job in two areas and a downright outstanding job on the third!  

To begin with, the beer pours orange and a bit hazy: not pretty, but forgivable in a fall beer, and... Read More


Orabelle Great Divide Beer Tripel
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
21 / 24
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

Lots of breweries chase that elusive goal: that wonderful, delicate, flavorful, and drinkable Belgian-style Tripel, but most miss to some greater or lesser degree. This is a good beer, but it too doesn't quite hit the mark.

The beer pours a pale gold with a low white head and a slight... Read More

Schwarzschild Porter

Schwarzschild Porter by Southern Sky Brewing Co.
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
18 / 24
32 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

Southern Sky's interpretation on an English Porter, Schwarzschild is a good, basic entry into the style but lacks complexity.  It was evaluated as an English Porter, BJCP Category 13C.

The beer pours a clear dark brown with a thin but dense tan head.  The aroma is dry and roasty, like... Read More

