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Jason Johnson's picture

Omer Blonde

May, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

This beer pours a crystal clear, light gold color with a very frothy tall white head that displayed excellent retention. The aromas are very typical of what one would expect from a Belgian Blonde. I get a moderate amount of pear-like esters, followed by some sweet, honey-like grainy malt. The hops are low and spicy, and supported by some alcohol notes. The flavor is very, very good for a big Belgian beer; initially I get a soft, honey-like malt character with secondary bready tones. Once again, the sweet, pear-like esters, the low spicy hop character and the low alcohol bite are very welcome and balance together quite nicely. The style should finish dry, but on my palate a sweetness lingers -- it's not cloying or unpleasant, but it should be more dry. The high carbonation helps wash out some of the sweetness, but not all of it. The mouthfeel is medium and creamy, with a medium-light alcohol warmth. This is a beer I can certainly drink quickly, but the sweetness should be tones down a bit to make this a truly world-class example.