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Jason Johnson's picture


August, 2016
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

The aroma has a lot going on, and honestly it’s all good and superbly balanced. There is some traditional barnyard funk from Brettanomyces, but not so much it overshadows anything else. The hop presence is medium and bright, and I get a lot of tropical notes of mango and overripe pineapple. The malt is crisp and has a wheaty aroma to it. This beer pours a deep yellow with a well-formed, fluffy, long-lasting, white head.  The flavor is right in step with the aroma. In addition to the wheat, fruity hops and Brett funk, I get a little bit of pleasant sourness which creates a refreshing, quenching factor when coupled with the dryness provided by the Brett. The bitterness is low and helps pull together the tartness and the low sweetness from the malt. It’s light in body, highly carbonated and effervescent on the palate.

I believe this beer to be near perfection; I have not had a commercial beer this fresh or bright. The balance between the Brett character and the hops is excellent. Normally, I find Brett to be overdone in many beers; it tends to overtake the rest of the beer, but the brewers of this were able to restrain the Brett to a perfect degree, allowing the hops to shine bright. A near-perfect beer for any occasion.