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Sean Coughlin's picture

Fever Dream

July, 2016

Fever Dream

Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The initial aroma comes across like an East Coast IPA -- tropical fruit and stone fruit dominates with subtle pine needle notes discerned in the background. There is a mango component of the aroma that seems to be hop-derived rather than from fruit. Despite this being a habanero IPA, there is a complete absence of habanero pepper in the aroma. The beer is deep gold with good clarity and a small, creamy, off-white head that leaves a good bit of lacing. The flavor doesn't take the beer to the next level -- there is a notable absence of mango and habanero. The beer basically comes across as a well-made, run-of-the-mill American IPA. While you'd expect to find the habanero contributing some heat in the finish, there is very little. While many pepper beers are over the top with too much capsaicin heat, this one simply doesn't deliver enough. The base IPA is solid but the specialty ingredients need to pop a bit more.