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Nelson Crowle's picture

Garage Brewing Blueberry Cream Ale

September, 2017
Judges Rating: 
18 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Evaluated as BJCP 2015 style 29A (Fruit Beer) with the base style of 1C (Cream Ale). Pours a very clear deep gold with a large poofy ivory colored head that persists for a long time. A very light blueberry aroma to start with light bread dough, like a lightly fruited blueberry muffin. Just a faint hint of floral hops. Very low DMS note of corn in the aroma is pleasant. The flavor is of light bread crusts with moderate slightly tart blueberry which is well balanced and refreshing. Bitterness is low, with just a hint of floral hop flavor. No DMS or corn flavor. Fermentation is clean with just a hint of apricot fruitiness. Balance is slightly to the bitterness with the muffin-like malt to offset. The blueberries are a bit on the tart side, leaving a fairly dry finish for this light bodied and moderately highly carbonated beer. No alcohol warmth. This beer would pair well with a lightly spiced cream-sauce chicken and asparagus.
