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Rick Franckhauser's picture

Korova Milk Porter

July, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Korova Milk Porter, and was evaluated as an Alternative Fermentables Beer: Alternative Grain Beer (2015 Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP)) Category 31A, offering according to BJCP guidelines. 

Mocha java comes to mind. Deep lush dark chocolate with a background of coffee with cream, very inviting. The roasty notes are subtle and smooth. Nothing harsh but there is some alcohol coming through and a low level earthy hop. No dark fruits or other malt character but nothing off. Very dark-brown color with a touch of haze. The creamy tan head disappeared rather quickly and could not be roused. The flavor provides some of the dark fruit I missed in the aroma. Prunes and raisins are surrounded by the alcohol. The chocolate and coffee aspects are not as prominent in the flavor but provide a backdrop to the esters and linger slightly helping to dry out the finish. No hops are found in the flavor and just enough bitterness to balance the malt sweetness. There is a little caramel malt in the after taste. The body is not quite as full as I would expect in a Baltic Porter but it is creamy with the slight slickness oatmeal provides. Very enjoyable beer – I only wish the flavor would have also provided some of the chocolate, coffee and cream found in the aroma.