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Randy Scorby's picture

Ocho Barril: Magic Beer Genie

June, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The aroma initially greets you with prominent black cherry, plum, spicy alcohol and a rich, bready caramel maltiness. Immediately following this is a sharp, clean lactic acidity with supporting earthy and slightly barnyard-y Brettanomyces. A light vanilla character jumps in as it warms. The flavor shifts soon after with the Brettanomyces becoming more prominent with notes of significant spicy alcohol. The bready caramel malt character becomes more pronounced as it approaches mid-palate, with a supporting cast of black cherry, plum and vanilla. The solid residual sweetness dries out in the finish with a boost from the alcohol and moderate levels of hop bitterness. It pours a slightly hazy dark brown, with a lingering tan head. This makes for a very enjoyable brew right now, but would benefit from aging until the snow starts to fly again.