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Judge's Review: 82 Rating - Go Go Gronkzilla by Motorworks Brewing

June, 2020

Go Go Gronkzilla

Go Go Gronkzilla

United States
Go Go Gronkzilla, Motorworks Brewing

Deep amber-colored and medium-bodied, we double dry-hopped this Red IPA with Azacca and Citra hops, imparting flavorful citrus notes and a firm bitterness that balances its rich, caramelly malt base, boasting a sweet malt character and snappy hop bite and finish.

Beverage Profile
Azacca, Citra



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Judges Rating: 
18 / 24
6 / 6
31 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Go Go Gronkzilla by Motorworks Brewing is a double dry hopped red IPA which would fall under BJCP 2015 category 21B Specialty IPA. This beer pours a deep amber color with mahogany hues and an off-white fluffy head. There is a slight haze, but it is otherwise quite clear. The aroma is a pretty balanced blend of malt and hops. Both are complex with the malt being toasty, grainy, biscuit, caramel and a bit of roasted cocoa, while the hops are mostly tropical/citrus ( grapefruit, pineapple, mango) but finish with some herbal dankness and cattiness. The flavor is similar with firm malt and moderate hops. The malt stands out with a bit more flavor -- toasty bread crusts, melanoidins, biscuit, moderate caramel sweetness and a bit of roasty dryness. The hops are fairly one-noted and get overtaken by the richness of the malt on the palate, although the moderately high bitterness lingers in the finish (malt - hops - malt - bitterness).

As a Pats fan, it pains me to say this beer was enjoyable. The malt and hops play well together, much like Tom and Gronk. However, the malt tends to overwhelm the hops as they fade fairly quickly. It leans on the maltier end of style and may be a better fit as American Strong Ale (22B) as its closely resembles an imperial amber ale, although with the bitterness of an IPA.