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Nelson Crowle's picture

Judge's Review: 82 Rating - Texas Lager by Community Beer Co.

April, 2018
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Texas Lager by Community Beer being evaluated as BJCP Style 1B (American Lager). Pours a very clear very light straw with a large head of medium-sized bubbles that quickly fades to a layer of medium and large bubbles (not the fine bubbles typical of the style). The aroma is a very light bread malt and also a very light floral hop, with just a hint of corn - very clean and no fruity esters from the yeast. Initially, the flavor is also very light bready malt - typical for the style - with light corn notes and just a hint of floral hops with a light bittering into a quick and clean finish. Moderate carbonation with continuously rising bubbles, and a light body, this is a good lawnmower beer that should be consumed cold. This might be a good beer for crackers and cheese or a charcuterie platter.