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Judge's Review: 84 Rating - Lizard Lounge by Urban South Brewery

March, 2022

Lizard Lounge

Lizard Lounge

United States
Lizard Lounge, Urban South Brewery

Our 5 year anniversary beer with Modern Times, a mixed fermentation table beer, aged in wine barrels.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Lizard Lounge by Urban South Brewery was judged as a BJCP Style 33B, Specialty Wood-Aged Beer with base beer style Wild Specialty Beer (28C).

The brewer has aged this table beer (low-alcohol, light-bodied beer) in wine barrels to produce some interesting flavors. It pours hazy gold under a moderate off-white foam cap with good retention. It is a mildly sweet fruity beer, combining a fruity fermentation character with some light wine character from the barrel. Pomme fruit mix with grape and a hint of berry leading to a dry, mildly bitter, slightly astringent finish. There is just enough malt to provide balance to the fruit and traces of honey in the background. The malt shows traces of cracker but no caramel or biscuit. The hop character is mild and joins with the barrel tannins to balance the malt and traces of wine flavor and give the beer depth. At 4.7% ABV the alcohol is a little high for a table beer but with its full flavor, this is a beer you want to drink for your fried clam lunch.