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Judge's Review: 86 Rating - Adoptable Lager by Motorworks Brewing

June, 2020

Adoptable Lager

Adoptable Lager

United States
Adoptable Lager, Motorworks Brewing

Featured on Ellen,CNN, USA Today, and news outlets throughout the country, with part of proceeds going to our local animal shelter Adoptable Lager is a great beer with a great cause. It is brewed with pilsner & wheat malt, this golden lager boasts a brilliant gold clarity and soft fruity sweetness, while german noble hops lend an approachable bitterness. With a clean, slightly dry finish, Adoptable lager is a crisp, refreshing and uber quaffable treat.

Beverage Profile
Pilsner, Wheat
Noble German hops



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Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Adoptable Lager by Motorworks Brewing is a golden lager that would best fit under BJCP category 2A, International Pale Lager.

The beer pours a deep yellow color, but not quite golden in color, with a bright white head that unfortunately doesn’t carry great retention fading to a thin rim fairly quickly. It has brilliant clarity without a lick of haze, so much so you could see your fingerprints thru the glass. The aroma is malt-forward with grainy, crackery notes and some doughy character – similar to Wheat Thins. The malt is followed by moderately light noble-like spicy/earthy hops and a fairly clean lager character with some light red apple-like esters. Red apple (ethyl hexanoate) is an acceptable yeast character in lagers in low levels, unlike green apple (acetaldehyde) which is considered an off-flavor. The flavor is similar but more balanced and showcasing more hops (light grassy, earthy, mild orange -- Saaz/Hallertau like), but with a medium-low bitterness that’s not nearly as high as a pilsner. It finishes with a soft, crisp mouthfeel, that’s semi-dry with a light body. This beer is very quaffable and great for the summer heat, with a great amount of flavor for the style in a low-ABV package.

Bonus points for supporting dogs in need of adoption.

