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Brian Eichhorn's picture

Judge's Review: 88 Rating - Naughty Girl Stout by Right Brain Brewery

April, 2018
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Naughty Girl Stout is a Mint Stout brewed by Right Brain Brewery and is being judge as a category 30A-Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer. Which is perhaps a shame, because it's a great stout that lacks for mint to really make it stand out! In the glass, it pours a deep and opaque brown-black with red-brown edges and has a low regenerative, finely bubbled beige head. Looks great! The nose is rich and toasty, followed by distinct roast. Very clean beer with a low fruity ester and deep chocolate roasted quality, quite fresh. There may be a suggestion of mint, but that could be due to the influence of knowing it's a mint stout!. On tasting, again, this beer is very fresh, roast-forward and malty. Medium hop bitterness is propped up by roast bitterness. The beer is never too bitter or burnt. The mint is buried in there and really only comes out with aspiration or on the late finish. It has a deep chocolate quality that could certainly support more mint. Medium-plus body and dry through the finish. The carbonation is a touch high, but I can drive that down a bit, which is better than undercarbed. Overally, super tasty and drinkable stout that's only real fault is that it needs more mint to really hit the girl scout thin mint nail on the head.