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Judge's Review: 89 Rating - Heavy Seas 25 by Heavy Seas Beer

March, 2021

Heavy Seas 25

Heavy Seas 25

United States
Heavy Seas 25, Heavy Seas Beer

In celebration of our 25th year brewing forward thinking, fearless, bold and independent beers, we decided to first look back on what we’ve learned. We studied the recipes that define Heavy Seas and we took bits and pieces from these beers to create something new. This massive tribute to our 25 years of brewing is a strong ale brewed with English hops and aged, not once, but twice in barrels. The beer was first aged in bourbon barrels and then finished in Rye barrels. This double barrel aging adds significant complexity to this layered, extreme beer. With notes of toffee, caramel, vanilla and earthy hops, this beer is as ambitious as starting a craft brewery in 1995 was.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
4 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Heavy Seas 25 by Heavy Seas Beer was judged as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer, style category 33B per the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Savoring the aroma of this bold, over-the-top strong ale reveals some rich caramelly dark malts, traces of toffee, earthy hops, hints of vanilla, hints of dark dried fruit and a dash of oaky, rye spiciness. The alcohol is clean and not hot, harsh or solventy. The beer pours bright medium brown and the head dissipates with a quick fizz. This smooth drinker offers balanced caramel and toffee with a wide range of dark sugar notes and dark but not roasted malt with traces of rye spice in the background. The fermentation character provides some dark dried fruit notes. Hop flavors are earthy and provide a medium-low tea-like bitterness. The beer is deceptively smooth, well-balanced and medium-bodied for such a big beer. The alcohol is mildly warming and not hot or harsh. A faint astringent note from the barrels softens the touch of stickiness on the lips from the rich malts. This beer is exceptional in the can. I would like to see a bottle-conditioned version. I would buy at least 12 and drink one a year with close friends.
