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Hoppopotamus IPA by Metazoa Brewing Co. was judged as a BJCP Category 21A, American IPA, according to the 2015 guidelines.
Lately I have been yearning for an IPA brewed without oats, lactose, vanilla or fruit – a medium alcohol, hoppy and bitter brew with malt that supports but still lets the hops shine through. This is the beer I have been looking for. Piney, citrusy, tropical fruit hop aromas dominate with malt aromas providing support. It pours gold with just a slight haze. Citrusy hop flavors lead with medium-low hop biscuit in the background. More hop-based tropical fruit flavors emerge as the beer warms punctuated by a medium-high to high hop bitterness. This is a straight up American IPA – no gimmicks, nothing overstated, nothing out of place. The balance – how everything fits together – makes this beer stand out and will have you reaching for another. The beer has the quality of leaving you fulfilled while wanting more.