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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Redux Fortified Imperial Amber Ale 2021 by Garage Brewing Co.

November, 2021

Redux Fortified Imperial Amber Ale 2021

Redux Fortified Imperial Amber Ale 2021

United States
Redux Fortified Imperial Amber Ale 2021, Garage Brewing Co.

Appearance: Deep amber with thin dissipating head.
Aroma: Sweet and toasted oak with bourbon, caramel, and vanilla.
Taste: Mildly sweet toasted sugars with warming alcohol, caramel, vanilla, cherries, apples, and dates.
Mouthfeel: A full-bodied sweetness up front leading into drying tannins that meld into a warming alcohol that culminates to a lingering finish.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Redux Fortified Imperial Amber Ale 2021 by Garage Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood Aged Beer (Category 33B) from the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Redux 2021 Fortified Imperial Amber Ale pours a clear deep copper color with a thick beige head that lingers. The aroma puts out a prominent whiskey character that fades down to allow light caramel, bing cherry, dark fig, light oak and mixed dark fruit to all emerge. Moderate spicy alcohol develops as it warms. No hop aroma or other fermentation character is noted.

The whiskey and caramel character were in the forefront of the flavor, accompanied by light vanilla, dark figs and dates, light brown sugar and moderate spicy alcohol. There was no hop flavor noted. The aggressive hop bitterness turned a bit harsh as it passed through the dry finish into the aftertaste. The alcohol warming in the mouthfeel was smooth, and it featured a medium-full body and medium carbonation.

This is a well-brewed bourbon barrel-aged beer with a complex flavor and aroma. The hop bitterness needs to be reigned in as the harshness tends to detract from the overall enjoyment of the beer. Overall, a beer worth trying as we head into the colder time of the year.
