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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - State of Flow by Moniker Brewery

April, 2023

State of Flow

State of Flow

Rhode Island
United States
State of Flow, Moniker Brewery
Beverage Profile
Served at: 
40 - 45º F
Pilsner, Vienna
Saaz, Tettnang



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

State of Flow by Moniker Brewery was judged as a German Pilsner, BJCP Category 5D. The aroma opens with a moderately high level of spicy and herbal hops with lower levels of grainy pilsner malt and maybe just a hint of lightly toasted white bread. There is a relatively low level of sulfur via the lager yeast, and while not off-putting, it lingers at a level you might find in a standard American lager and a little too high for a German Pilsner. Otherwise, a clean fermentation with no esters or off aromatics. The beer is a deep golden-yellow color with very good clarity but not brilliant. Topped with a creamy white head that drops to a thin cap, which lingers and leaves some lacing.

The flavor provides high levels of the spicy and herbal hops up front. The hops are fresh, vibrant and initially dominate the malt. The balance is toward the hop bitterness, but the malt still manages to provide a supporting role with some grainy, crackery and bready notes. The sulfur aspect is noted in the flavor as well and as in the aroma. It is not too high to be distracting, however it is a little bit too high for the otherwise clean lager profile. The beer is crisp and finishes dry with lingering bitterness into the aftertaste while remaining rounded and smooth. The spicy hops also hang on throughout.   

I love a good German pils. It's probably my favorite style to drink on a regular basis when done well. State of Flow is indeed, well done. One of the better American craft brewed examples I’ve had. The classic German examples are as hop-forward as this beer but typically have a richer underlying malt quality that you just don’t often find in American craft versions. However, State of Flow provides a lovely fresh hop aroma and flavor qualities as well as a firm rounded bitterness that carries throughout without overdoing it or coming across as harsh or astringent. Very nicely done.
