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Pat Mulloy's picture

Judge's Review: 91 Rating - Big Dippa by Reformation Brewery

February, 2020
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Big Dippa by Reformation Brewery was judged as a Double IPA (BJCP Style 22A).

This beer immediately grabs hop lovers with its aroma, blending citrus and tropical fruit with touches of peppery rye, gooseberry, lemon and very faint pine and wood. It fills the glass brassy gold under a robust off-white cap with good retention. The aromas show up in the flavor as the beer flows over the tongue. An initial, lightly sweet sip laced with tropical fruit and citrus gives way to a medium-high bitterness that lingers well into the finish seasoned with peppery rye malt. The rye malt dries thing out on the finish with a light astringent note. The alcohol is mildly warming but is not hot or harsh. The bitterness grows with each drink but remains balanced by the malt. The balance, where no part is out of place, makes this big, full-flavored beer a delight to drink and easy to repeat.
