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#SabroMo by Peter B's Brewpub is a Double Dry-Hopped Hazy IPA and is being evaluated as a New England IPA (2015 BJCP Category 21B) offering according to BJCP guidelines. For this style a “juicier” beer than the standard American IPA due to massive amounts of late and/or dry hops.
This beer pours a fairly turbid dirty orange color with a large, two-inch tall off-white head. Despite the thick and tall head fragrant tangerine, mango, and honeydew hop notes emerge and awaken the senses. The first mouthful is moderately bitter hops, pulpy white grapefruit and medium-light bread malt. The body is medium-light and carbonation is medium.
The head persists a while on this beer and quickly reforms after rousing when it does finally recede. It is thick and bubbly and leaves a nice ring of lacing on the glass. Further deep sniffs yield light hop character of berries but no fruity esters. The hop flavor profile continues to evolve as I take more quaffs, yielding the berry, mango and honeydew notes originally found in the aroma. The hops tip the balance in their favor but enough malt remains to keep them in check. There is a lingering prickly sensation that helps the white grapefruit pop a bit at the end. Lightly sweet bread malt character provides a pleasant support system for the hops and carries the juicy grapefruit into the finish.
This beer certainly fits the “juicy” aspect of the style and it is easy to drink. I could easily enjoy this alongside a brunch that includes bacon and avocado given its grapefruit character.