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Nelson Crowle's picture

Judge's Review: 92 Rating - pFriem Hazy IPA by pFriem Family Brewers

March, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

pFriem Hazy IPA by pFriem Family Brewers is being evaluated as BJCP 2015 style 21B Specialty IPA: New England IPA. Pours with a big poofy meringue-like white head that persists. Color is a very hazy yellowish light gold. There is a big citrusy aroma - mostly tangerine - and just a hint of bready malt. No alcohol or off-flavors in the aroma - very clean with a hint of fruity apricot yeast esters. The flavor echos the aroma with big juicy tangerines and just enough bread dough malt to present the big hop flavors. The bitterness is substantial but well balanced - it's definitely an IPA (not a Pale Ale). The finish is a long lingering citrus with a fairly bitter but balanced ending of orange peels. Medium body and fairly high carbonation both help to present this beer favorably, and the refreshing and crisp quality leaves you wanting another sip. There's a slight astringency that seems to be from citrus pith, but it adds nuances and complexity to the beer. Overall complex and very well balanced - nothing dominates, and yet the juicy hop flavors and the bitterness make you pay attention. This beer would go really well with a bacon-wrapped big juicy medium rare sirloin steak, cutting through the oils and fats, and resetting your palate for another bite.