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Judge's Review: 92 Rating - Tastes Like Beer by Low Road Brewing

November, 2021

Tastes Like Beer

Tastes Like Beer

United States
Tastes Like Beer, Low Road Brewing

A basic American Lager enjoyed by craft beer drinkers and non-craft drinkers alike.

Beverage Profile
Pilsner, Vienna, Corn
Hallertauer Mittelfrueh, Tettnang



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Tastes Like Beer by Low Road Brewing was judged as an American Lager, BJCP category 1B. The aroma opens with a moderate amount of bready malt and some lower levels of lightly spicy hops and a touch of floral. Maybe a slight touch of sulfur but otherwise a very clean fermentation. The malt is pleasant but a tad too prominent in an American Lager. Not complaining, just a style thing. The beer is a yellow gold color, as opposed to the medium-yellow typical for the style. It does have a white foamy head that drops quickly to a thin ring. It’s clear but not brilliant. There are signs of carbonation but not the typical cascading tiny bubbles. The flavor mostly mimics the aromatics with bready, somewhat sweet malts, followed by the spicy and floral hop notes. There is an added toasty dimension. I’m sort of missing some grainy malt elements, but this is a tasty beer. The bitterness is nicely firm but the balance is definitely toward the malt. The beer finishes medium-dry, lacking the crispness that is the signature of the style. The sulfur appears briefly in the finish and a touch of the spicy hops lingers into the aftertaste. The medium-light body comes across a little heavy for the style, likely as result of the lower carbonation. Smooth and slightly sticky mouthfeel.

I really enjoyed this beer and would have no problem drinking it on a regular basis. The biggest issue has to do to with style expectations. The fullness and residual sugars lower the quaffability expected of the style. The lower carbonation and lack of crispness moves the beer away from the classic versions of the style. Overall, a very enjoyable beer that does, indeed, taste like beer.   
