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Judge's Review: 93 Rating - Big Boss Lager by Big Boss Brewing Co.

June, 2019

Big Boss Lager

Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Big Boss Lager by Big Boss Brewing Co. is being reviewed as BJCP category 4A, Munich Helles.

Pours a clear yellow gold with tiny bubbles raising to the creamy white persistent head. The aroma opens with low levels of grainy malt with hints toast. The malt is followed by some spicy and floral hops. Very clean fermentation. The malt dominates the hops but everything is subdued. The flavor provides a slightly sweet grainy malt with hints of toasted multi-grain bread. A light spice and floral hop joins in to provide some additional interest. Moderate levels of bitterness assist in balancing the malt. Medium dry finish, clean, crisp and fresh. Remnants of the spicy hops linger faintly on the palate. Medium bodied with moderate levels of carbonation and a very smooth and creamy impression but not mouth coating.

 Wonderful beer! Ultra-drinkable, providing lots of malt character and ample hop bitterness to maintain a nice balance. The spicy and floral hops keep things interesting and enjoyable. The aromatics seemed slightly subdued. The toasty aspect is not to style, while unexpected and perhaps out of place, it was very nice addition non the less. Other than these minor infractions, Big Boss Helles is very enjoyable indeed.   
