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Evaluated as BJCP2015 style 21A (American IPA). Pours a clear deep gold with a moderate size ivory head of small and medium bubbles. The head dissipates fairly quickly fading to a thin layer of bubbles atop the beer. Bubbles continue to rise fairly fast. A light fresh baked bread greets the nose, along with medium low grapefruit, slight lemon, and moderate honeydew melon. The relatively simple malt bill lets the hops shine in the aroma. The flavor brings different hop notes along with a light bread crust and low bread dough note supporting. Hop flavor leans more to the resinous and grapefruit, with hints of floral and pine. The melon shows up as an afterthought in the off dry finish that lingers with moderate bittering. Medium light body with moderate carbonation, the beer presents well, and is smooth, yet with just a hint of clean ethanol heat to add complexity and a bit of a kick. A clean ale fermentation with background yeast produced fruitiness. This is a great everyday IPA that would pair very nicely with a spinach salad with pecans and crumbled hard boiled eggs.