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Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

Naked Yoga

April, 2017

Naked Yoga

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

With its smooth finish and focused chocolate profile (Style guideline 30A – Spiced Beer), this beer drinks like a sweet, dark cocoa cinnamon bun. It flowed from the bottle thick and dark, with a quickly subsiding head that got me to imbibing without delay. Aroma was firmly supported by cacao nibs, fresh vanilla and light roast coffee. Its flavors were intense, and grew more so as it warmed in the glass. Although it was very cocoa forward, there were intense complexities of flavors, and its smoothness on the tongue rolled the cinnamon and pepper towards the back of my mouth in the finish. The alcohol content was well hidden, making it a very good candidate for an after-dinner drink, one to linger over and savor.
