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Mike Castagno's picture


August, 2016
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

The beer here seems to deviate a little from the traditional expectations of the style. California Common is an amber-colored beer that is hallmarked by the use of Northern Brewer hops and fermented with a lager yeast at warmer, ale-like temperatures. The beer here is much lighter in color, relying less on caramel malts for color and flavor. Additionally, the beer seems to have a more American-type hop profile that's rich with grapefruit zest and resinous notes that lingers through to the finish. There are subtle hints of nectarine and melon as well. These hops notes all pair with a milder woody, herbal character that is often attributed to the Northern Brewer hop. The malt is more in the realm of toasty than bready or caramel-like but quite well balanced with the hop character. There is a crisp, clean finish that makes for a pleasing experience. While this is more of a modern interpretation of a (very narrow) classic style, it is well worth a try.