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Saison DuPont

Saison DuPont Beer

Saison DuPont Beer

Saison DuPont Beer

The Saison Dupont is a top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle.
Coppery blond, the finest aromas and a strong bitterness transform this beer into a thirst-quenchener with no equal, just the way it was created. Dupont's selection of yeasts is the perfect base for these typical aromas and ditto taste. A real refermentation in the bottle, which will continue for a long time in your cellar, result into this complex and particular aromatic beer.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
48 - 52° F



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

For more than a century and a half, Brasserie Dupont has produced what is surely the benchmark by which all farmhouse ales are measured – Saison Dupont. A truly rustic country beer that is still produced on a working farm in the Wallonian countryside of Belgium, Saison Dupont keeps alive the tradition of honest, artisanal brewing. Displaying a notable haze upon pouring, this beer presents in the glass as a ruddy, pale orange-yellow and produces a substantial creamy white head that is sustained by exceptionally high carbonation. The aroma evinces the trademark “farmhouse” yeast character expected of a classic saison, with earthy, newly mown hay touches and hints of mushroom. Tim liked the complex interlacing of clove, nutmeg, treacle, figs and citron in the aroma, as well as the “bright farmhouse yeast” notes in the nose, and Tom was deeply intrigued by the slightly musty, delicately bready malt and faintly spicy hop aromas. Bursting with earthy, spicy and delicate fruity flavors, this beer fits the classic saison profile to a tee. Rick detected a faint hint of sourness but found it well balanced against the rounded malt and traces of strawberry, while Lee enjoyed the dry, somewhat mineral finish and opined that Dupont had “managed to bottle an idyllic countryside.” Saison Dupont remains the classic example of the style, and its popularity continues to grow. Seek out this beer, along with the rest of Brasserie Dupont’s exceptional lineup.
