Grapefruit Shandy

SanTan Brewing Company,h=489

Fruit Beer | Seasonal | United States

Randy Scorby's picture

By Randy Scorby

Judges Rating: 95
Aroma: 24
Appearance: 4
Flavor: 39
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 19

This beer pours a cloudy peach color with a lingering white head, and the drinker is immediately greeted with a prominent, fresh, grapefruit juice aroma with a background hint of rind. Following that citrus explosion is enough bready malt to remind you that this is indeed still a beer. The flavor follows suit with a balanced bready malt aroma and a blast of fresh grapefruit. There is a pleasant residual sweetness that appropriately dries out in the finish with the help of a smooth, tart acidity from the fruit. Even if you are not a fan of fruit beer styles, don’t pass this one up on a warm spring or summer day as this is a very refreshing beer that is certain to please a wide variety of palates.