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Randy Scorby's picture

Stone Saison

August, 2015

Stone Saison

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The initial aroma is fruity with a hint of lemon, followed by a moderate herbal, spicy character. A light black pepper and bready maltiness evolves over time, offering balance and adding even more complexity to this beer. The lemon is even more pronounced in the flavor and is complemented by a light tartness. The flavor follows the aroma, with the pepper and complex fruity character emerging mid-palate along, and a moderate hop bitterness helps dry out the pleasant residual sweetness of the malt. It pours a beautiful orange-amber color with a long-lasting creamy white head.  The alcohol warming is smooth and satisfying. An enjoyable beer to sip during the upcoming autumn months.