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Nelson Crowle's picture

Stone Smoked Porter

Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Poured into a snifter, this beer is a bold, blackish, deep mahogany with slight reddish highlights and a large, fluffy, light tan head.  Bready and toasty malt balances with grassy, floral, and tangerine notes in the aroma, with a background hint of smoke and sweet chocolate. Both the smoke and chocolate come out a bit more as the beer warms.

The first sip is bread crust malt and the same tangerine and grassy hop flavors as in the aroma, with a big kick of bitterness into the finish. There is a moderately high clean campfire smoke that goes nicely with the chocolate and slight coffee notes. Additional dark malt and black licorice flavors hover in the background.  The West Coast-style high bittering tends to overpower the lovely smoky and chocolate balance.

Very nice beer to have with sweeter, Carolina-style BBQ baby back ribs, or with a flourless chocolate cake or fudge brownie.
