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Nelson Crowle's picture

Blood Orange Saison

October, 2015
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

A large, almost-white, fluffy head of tiny bubbles fades to a finger of head on top of a slightly hazy, light gold liquid. The aroma brings both orange character as well as a complex array of grainy bread crust, light floral, and bubblegum with moderate wet hay saison funkiness. The first taste shows some funky and earthy barnyard notes, some leather, slight mushroom, and a light tartness – all good traits for a saison. The orange comes through nicely in the flavor and complements the farm-like notes, and lasts into the very dry finish. Although light in color, this standard-strength saison is medium in body and has high carbonation with moderate alcohol warmth (just shy of hot). This brew is well made and the orange works perfectly – this would be a nice beer with a big Cobb salad with a citrusy oil and vinegar dressing.