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Owen Ogletree

Owen Ogletree's picture
Beer Judge

Founder of the popular Classic City Brew Fest held in Athens, Georgia, Owen runs and writes for Southern Brew News. A National Judge as ranked by the BJCP, Owen has also served as a beer judge at the Great American Beer Festival and the Great British Beer Festival.

Owen Ogletree BJCP National Beer Judge Certificate

My articles

Hop City's Kraig Torres: Atlanta Restaurant Impresario and Classic Beer Style Defender
Atlanta-based craft beer entrepreneur Kraig Torres graduated high school in 1986 and fancied himself a "beer expert" because he drank Moosehead. A...
ASW Whiskey Exchange: Atlanta’s “Malt Disney World”
Visitors to Atlanta's impressive West End brewery complex often refer to the area as "Malt Disney World." Along with three diverse breweries and a...
Trending Hops for 2022
Imagine an Old Fashioned cocktail with no aromatic bitters. Think of a bowl of gumbo with no seasonings. Or jerk chicken without the jerk. In a...
Identifying Off-Flavors in Beer
Craft beer offers an extensive range of styles and flavors. The brewing process involves a multitude of complex steps, ingredients and procedures...
13 Classic Beer Styles That Deserve a Comeback
A novice craft beer explorer walks into a brewery taproom that focuses on classic beer styles and asks, "What do you make that's super hazy?" The...
The Hop Report: Trending Hops for 2021
Hop flowers provide balancing spice and bitterness in beer. Most craft beer aficionados know the classic hop notes of flowers, citrus, grapefruit and...
The Role of Beer Yeast in Brewing
The fascinating microscopic organism that is yeast provides a tremendous impact on beer and brewing. Yeast plays a key role in creating the...
The Rebirth of Faubourg Brewing Co.
Editor's Note: Dixie Beer was renamed Faubourg Brewing Co. in 2021 as a "tribute to the diverse neighborhoods of New Orleans," per brewery owner...
introduction mead
Craft mead ranks as a hot new trend in the alcohol industry, but few imbibers truly understand and appreciate the complexities and defining...


My reviews

Florida Cracker

Florida Cracker
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Inviting aromas of coriander, cumin, cereal grains and slightly earthy notes of wheat and citrus emerge from the glass when swirled. With a pale gold shade, pleasant haze and impressive fluffy stand of white foam, the beer seems to glow when held to the light. Refreshing flavors of slightly... Read More

Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Sometimes a modern craft version of a classic beer style is able to blow away trendy "beers of the moment." This brew accomplishes this in a big way. It's light-golden, crystal clear appearance comes across as quite striking, and the aroma profile of honeysuckle, clean pilsner malt, floral... Read More

SummerBright Ale

Summer Bright Ale
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
18 / 24
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

This light golden ale pours with persistent, white, delicate foam. Very clear and bright, the beer appears to have been filtered quite heavily. Subtle aromas of earthy cereal grains and gentle citrus lead to comparable flavor notes of cracked wheat, light lemon zest and extremely subdued hops... Read More

Loose Cannon Hop³ IPA

Loose Cannon Hop³ IPA
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

Medium gold in color with an attractive orange tinge, this IPA offers a nose of citrus, pineapple, tropical fruits, pine, herbs and toffee-like malt. On the palate, the spicy brew displays moderate flavoring and bittering hops alongside a slightly sweet, earthy, assertive malt profile... Read More

Carnevale Ale

Carnevale Ale
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
22 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Sometimes blending two wonderful things produces unexpected, yet magnificent, results. This beer's bold, piney, resiny, citrusy American hop personality engages in an intriguing marriage with fruity, spicy, saison notes and slight wild yeast complexity – producing an end product that's balanced... Read More

Meantime London Porter

Meantime London Porter
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
39 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

This rich ale pours deep brown – almost black – with a claret glow when backlit. Cocoa nibs, bitter chocolate, roasted malt hints and undertones of prune and dark fruits permeate the aroma profile, while low carbonation levels increase the appreciation of the complex, dark malts on the palate.... Read More

