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Editorial Dept.

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Editorial Dept.

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online is the beer and beverage industries’ leading media authority that covers a range of consumer and professional interest categories including beer and beverage news, people, food & travel, beverage trends, education, expert beverage reviews, blogs, and lifestyles content including cannabis, CBD, spirits, gaming, gambling, casinos, technology, consumer products, and more.

Articles, stories and reviews that are published under the Editorial Department by-line have been produced as a collaborative effort by multiple staff editors within our editorial department with expertise on the subject.

You may reach the editorial department with questions, story pitches or opportunities by email at:

editorial (at) beerconnoisseur (dot) com


My articles

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Spring 2011, Issue 6
As lovers of craft beer, we’re all part of a fraternity. Not the Natty Light, keg stand and beer pong-fueled kind, of course, but the type of...
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Holiday 2010, Issue 5
In the grand scheme of things, a year is really only a blip in time. But for The Beer Connoisseur, it’s been an eternity.   The planet has made one...
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Fall 2010, Issue 4
You don’t need me to tell you that good beer has gone big time. There’s plenty of data floating around that clearly illustrates the craft beer...
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Summer 2010, Issue 3
Welcome back, dear reader, to another installment of The Beer Connoisseur. You’ve likely gathered by now that what you hold in your hands is far from...
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