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Jason Johnson

Jason Johnson's picture
Beer Judge

Jason Johnson has been homebrewing since 2000 and a ranked judge with the BJCP since 2005. He currently holds the rank of National Judge. Jason was the Co-founder and Co-Host of Brewnology: The Podcast where they explored all avenues of Beer Judging for their listeners. Although the show had a good 2 year run, they ran out of judging content at 50 shows and had to call it quits. Past episodes of Brewnology can still be found on YouTube. Jason is also the author of an e-book titled Roasted: A Homebrewer's Guide to Homeroasting Grain.

Although currently an independent homebrewer no longer active in a local club, Jason was a member of the Manty Malter's homebrew club in, Wisconsin. Jason has held several officer positions within the club including president as well as lead the club's judging education program. He also has a set of free BJCP Prep classes on YouTube to help judges who may not have a nearby club to supplement their self-study. He also helps these people by answering questions via messages. So far the course has been fairly popular and helped some judges in other countries study for their exams.

As a brewer, Jason mostly likes to brew traditional classic styles. He brews a lot of American ales (America Pale Ales, American IPA, and American Pre-Prohibition Lager). Other styles he likes to brew are Chocolate Oatmeal Stout, Belgian Wit, Saison, Dubbel, and Cream Ale to name a few. As far as craft beer goes, he enjoys tasting and Judging the full gambit of the beer spectrum.

My reviews

Grandpa's Pipe

Grandpa's Pipe

United States
Grandpa's Pipe, Seedstock Brewery

Grandpa’s Pipe is a smoked brown ale is tobacco leaf brown in color with a nose of sweet smoke. This incredibly easy drinking beer starts with rich malty sweetness, and moves into a relaxing smoke that reminds you of grandpa’s pipe. This subtle beer is all about sitting back and enjoying the simple lifeGrandpa’s Pipe is a smoked brown ale is tobacco leaf brown in color with a nose of sweet smoke. This incredibly easy drinking beer starts with rich malty sweetness, and moves into a relaxing smoke that reminds you of grandpa’s pipe. This subtle beer is all about sitting back and enjoying the simple life.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Grandpa's Pipe by Seedstock Brewery was judged as  category 32B, specialty Smoked Beer.

Off the pour I am glad that I am not nailed with a face full of smoke. What I get is a subtle malty aroma, that is mostly nutty with low caramel and toasty notes. I don’t... Read More

Whale's Tale Pale Ale

Whale's Tale Pale Ale Cisco Brewers
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
21 / 24
35 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

It's nice to get the occasional English Pale Ale from time to time in the sea of American hoppy ales, as the play between malt and hops can be very interesting and easy-drinking in that style. This beer pours a rich copper color with good clarity. There is little haze, so it’s not brilliantly... Read More

Blackberry Barley Wine

lips of faith blackberry barleywine new belgium beer
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
21 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

The beer poured a solid, deep amber color with excellent clarity and a short-lived, loose, off-white head. For a barleywine, the overall malt aroma was very low; the normally rich and intense caramelly malt presence of barleywines was just not present. I do get some medium-low caramel malt, but... Read More

This Season's Blonde

This Seasons Blonde by Aspen Brewing Co.
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This beer is labeled as an American Blonde Ale, or category 18A in the BJCP guidelines. You should expect this beer to be an easy-drinking, malt-oriented style that is well balanced, clean, and refreshing without any aggressive flavors.

The beer pours a deep gold and very clear. It has a... Read More

Captain Kidd V2.5

Captain Kidd V2.5 by Oyster Bay Brewing Co.
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
19 / 24
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

Captain Kidd IPA is your standard, and ever-so-popular American IPA, which is category 21a in the BJCP guidelines. If you are not all that familiar with the style, according to the BJCP guidelines we are expecting this to be “a decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale,... Read More

El Cuatro

El Cuatro

El Cuatro, The Ale Apothecary

El Cuatro is made of local Oregon barley and crystal malt as well as aged Cascade hops. The beer is aged for 12 months is both brandy barrels and fresh Oregon pinot noir barrels, and finally naturally carbonated with honey. The combination of spirit and wine along with our house yeast culture is the focus of this beer.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
55º F
Vanora, Copeland Pils, Multiple Crystal Malts
Aged Cascade



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Judges Rating:
5 / 6
22 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

El Cuatro by The Ale Apothecary is a wild ale aged in brandy and whiskey barrels, that puts it in the category 28C, Wild Specialty Beer. That category specifies it's for wild ales aged in wood or with fruit, herb, vegetable or spices added. This beer is just a wood aged wild ale. Let's take a... Read More
