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Atlanta / Georgia Edition: Holiday 2022, Issue 3

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About The Beer Connoisseur
An overview of the Official Review, judging panel, beer awards, buyers guide and more.

Letter from the Editor
Welcome to the second issue of our local edition that explores the world of beer.

Hop City's Kraig Torres: Atlanta Restaurant Impresario and Classic Beer Style Defender
Owen Ogletree talks to this pioneering Georgia beer industry veteran about his storied career.

Beer Recommendations / What We’re Drinking Now
Great beers available in Georgia that are a perfect accompaniment to the holiday season.

Drinking Beyond Beer
A few favorite locally produced beverages that don’t contain humulus lupulus.

New York Butcher Shoppe: Providing Top-Quality Meats for Your Holiday Spread
This local chain wants to be your “local butcher” at a time when delivery services are at their peak.

Winter Wonderland at McCray's Tavern East Cobb
Events and Beverage Manager Nicole Swofford talks food, beer and holiday fun.

ATL: Around Town Living
Putt Shack, IllumiNights at the Zoo, Miracle Atlanta and more!

Distillery of Modern Art: Combining Art and Spirits in Unique, Interesting Ways
"When you pick up one of our bottles, you’ll see that it’s not all about us – it’s about you.”

Atlanta and Georgia Beer Events (Holiday 2022)
Some of the best beer events, festivals and tastings in Georgia for the 2022 holiday season. Grab a sampler glass and enjoy!

Atlanta and Georgia Music & Arts Events (Holiday 2022)
Music and arts is a major part of culture in Atlanta, Georgia and these events are sure to be highly attended during the holidays in 2022.

Atlanta and Georgia Sports Events (Holiday 2022)
Beer lovers love sports, so read on to explore some of the most engaging Atlanta and Georgia sports events during the holidays.

Brewer Q&A / Brewery Tour
A look at Steady Hand's "outdoors-brought-indoors" taproom, along with a luscious barrel-aged stout from Monday Night Brewing.


