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Monday Night Brewing Hiring Brewer

Monday Night Brewing out of Atlanta, Georgia has announced it is searching for an experienced production brewer (or hop scholar) to join the brewing team.

The company has announced it is opening an IPA- and hoppy beer-focused area within the brewery called the Hop Hut, which is likely where this new hire would begin.

The full release from Monday Night is below.



Craft Drinks India 2018


the newest member of the Beviale Family

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Unibroue Brewmaster Jerry Vietz Talks Blonde de l'Enfer

Unibroue Brewmaster Jerry Vietz Talks Blonde de l'Enfer

Unibroue Brewmaster Jerry Vietz Talks Blonde de l'Enfer

We spoke with Unibroue brewmaster Jerry Vietz about Blonde de l'Enfer.

BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe?
I came up with this beer’s recipe. I wanted to offer our fans and beer geeks a hell of a great beer for our 25th anniversary.

BC: What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)?
I love the overall balance and the surprising drinkability for its 10.5% alcohol content.

BC: Where does this beer’s name come from?
Blonde de l’Enfer means Blonde from Hell. It is our take on a classic style, the Belgian Strong Golden Ale. These ales are traditionally named after hellish demons due to their lust for power and in reference to the beer’s deceitful drinkability.

BC: Is this your “desert island beer?”
I love this beer, but I personally prefer darker ales. Therefore, if I have only one beer to pick this would not be "the one." For people who are big fans of this classic style, though, it is a very good candidate for a desert island beer. In fact, against many other beers, this beer is still very enjoyable at room temperature. This liquid gold should not be served any cooler than 50° F.

BC: Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
Delicate balance of malts, spices, hops, fruits and tiny bubbles.

Devils Backbone Crafts & Drafts

Enjoy delicious Devils Backbone beer while making masterpieces of your own! Join the Devils Backbone Brewing Co. family, design your own camp mug or hat to take home, and receive cool swag all while sipping on refreshing DB brews.

Devils Backbone Pours & S’mores

Join Virginia’s largest craft brewery Devils Backbone Brewing Company in making your own artisanal s’mores over an open flame along with some of the best craft beer pairings. Grab a custom Devils Backbone skewer and expand your palate – we’ll have plenty of s’mores selections for you to try!

Trail Magic Beer Dinner

Trail Magic is providing unexpected acts of kindness to hikers along the Appalachian Trail. Join Devils Backbone Brewing Co. for a Trail Magic Beer Dinner where we’ll bring a little trail magic from the Virginia Heartland to the city! Enjoy a specially-prepared, five-course menu paired with delicious Devils Backbone beers at this Trail Magic Beer Dinner!


