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Judge's Review: 89 Rating - Dragon's Milk Reserve S'mores by New Holland Brewing Co.

July, 2023

Dragon's Milk Reserve S'mores

Dragon's Milk Reserve S'mores

United States
Dragon's Milk Reserve S'mores, New Holland Brewing Co.

This adventure begins with a slumber in select bourbon barrels, imparting notes of vanilla and oak to this brew. After aging for three months, the beer is finished on mountains of graham cracker, cocoa, and marshmallow!

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
50 - 55º F



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Dragon's Milk Reserve S'mores by New Holland Brewing Co. is a barrel-aged stout with chocolate, toasted marshmallow and graham cracker flavoring and is being judged under BJCP category 33B, Specialty Wood-Aged Beer.

Presented in a large snifter after a robust pour, the beer is opaque and dark with a nice beige foam cap that lasts only fleetingly. The nose of the beer is a campfire confection re-imagined: strong graham cracker notes dominate with rich marshmallow sweetness and light, creamy chocolate. The roasty stout (as in derived from roasted barley or malt) character is largely overshadowed. The aroma balance is decidedly sweet, with the graham cracker notes dominating above even the alcohol (which is evident). 

The flavor profile is bracingly sweet and confectionary-like, with all the elements of a good s'mores to start and through the middle; the trio of graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow mingle to make a nice rich and sweet dessert. Then, a surprising thing happens in the late palate: some black barley and bitterness lay down a mark, providing a nice complex counterpoint to an otherwise cloying level of sweetness. The body is full, carbonation is light, creaminess is medium and astringency from some woody notes are evident but largely masked by the sweetness of the finish.

Make no mistake, this is a dessert stout through and though, with limited stout characteristics, but it does represent a nice exposition of s'mores flavors, particularly the wafers used to hold the gooey sweet filling. No need to have an actual dessert as this suffices for both a libation and a sweet ending to a meal.