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Rick Franckhauser's picture


December, 2016


United States
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Santilli was evaluated as an American IPA (2015 Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) Category 21A ) offering according to BJCP guidelines. 

The aroma provides a perfectly balanced citrus trio of lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Pine and pineapple also make an appearance and are accompanied by a touch of sweet malt. Everything is super fresh and bright. Golden color with a slight hop haze and topped with a creamy white head laces the glass as you go and lasts to the end. At first taste you know you are holding a world class IPA. Pronounced bitterness right up front with absolutely no astringency or harsh edges. The citrus combination is just as balanced and delicious in the flavor as the aroma promised. The pine and tropical fruits also appear with a touch of grainy malt. Clean dry finish with lemon zest and pine resin lingering long into the aftertaste. Medium body with moderately high carbonation which helps push all the flavors and aromas to the fore. Decidedly bitter with big hop flavors that are never harsh.  A showcase for new world hops at their finest.
