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Beer’s Vital Stats: ABV, IBU, SRM, OG (+ Other Useful Info)
While the acronyms of beer’s vital stats ‒ ABV, IBU, SRM and OG ‒ may seem like alphabet soup to the uninitiated, alcohol by volume, international...
Lambic Basket
Much like the vineyards of Bordeaux and the peat-covered terrain of Islay carry centuries-old wine and scotch traditions, the region surrounding the...
What is a Vertical Tasting? Photo Courtesy Perrin Brewing Co.
Beer is often best enjoyed in the company of others, and few events offer a chance to bring people together like a vertical tasting. Bottle shares...
How to Trade Beer Online
In the world of craft beer, there is a thriving subculture that continues to grow beneath the surface, impacting the entire industry. I’m speaking,...
New Belgium Brewing Co.'s two locations in Colorado and North Carolina have water supplies with different profiles. Pictured: The brewery's Asheville Liquid Center in North Carolina.
Hops and yeast are the two ingredients that often get the most attention in craft beer culture today, but water can also impact a beer’s flavor,...
What Determines the Color of Beer?
Did you know all beer is red? We don’t perceive all beer as red, of course, but deep down in its molecules, it is. Since all beer is red, what...
The Almighty Trappist Beer
Few beers remain holier in the eyes of the drinker than Trappist beer. Revered for their heavenly attributes, these beers find beauty in simplicity,...
How to Host the Best Beer Tasting Party
There is arguably no better way for both new and veteran beer geeks to learn about beer than to host a beer tasting party. Not only does it provide...
The Difference Between Sour and Wild Ale
Sour and Wild Ales have become increasingly popular, both within The Beer Connoisseur community and without. While they have substantial differences...
How to Cellar Beer
If you have been involved in the craft beer community for any length of time, I’m sure you have seen or heard of someone bragging about enjoying a...
The Most Popular Beer Sizes in Cans, Glasses, Kegs and More
From one bar to the next, there’s little consistency in what a serving of beer might look like. Serving sizes and the vessels they come in can be...
How Long Does Beer Last?
Beer is best fresh. There is little debate about this in the craft brewing community. However, some beers can be saved for a longer period of time,...
Everything You Need to Know About Hops (and Much More)
With IPA as the leading craft beer style in America, even casual craft beer drinkers are aware that hops provide the bitter flavor in their favorite...
What is Irish Stout?
Thankfully, not everyone who joins in the annual revelry on March 17th drinks the obligatory and ubiquitous green lager beers. Instead, many opt for...
Genesee Cream Ale, Dundee Brewing
Long before the appearance of the widely-accepted standard for the style - Genesee Cream Ale - nearly fifty years ago, this hybrid-style beer was...

