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Nelson has been judging and rating beers (over 20,000) for 30 years and is always interested in trying beers he hasn’t had before. A homebrewer for 40 years, Nelson has brewed all 154 sub-styles from the BJCP 2021 guidelines, along with historical and extinct beers, to learn more about the beer styles and the thought process of the brewers behind them. He is active in judging, entering, and running beer competitions and is a BJCP National Judge as well as a BJCP Mead Judge and BJCP Cider Judge.
This beer features lots of complexity in the aroma: cookie dough, vanilla, wood, slight caramel, slight chocolate, nuttiness, some roast, and a bit of orange all make an appearance. Its appearance is deep brown with a slight reddish tint, but very clear, and it also has a nice, light tan head of... Read More
Oktoberfest Bavarian-Style Lager by Wild Leap Brew Co. was evaluated according to the BJCP 2021 Style Guidelines as 6A Marzen (which is the darker gold/amber Oktoberfest, not the gold Festbier).
The beer pours a beautiful very clear deep gold, with no head and just a slight amount of... Read More
Pours a slightly hazy reddish/deep copper with no carbonation or head. The meniscus is very clear, but slightly darker than the mead, possibly indicating some age. A complex bouquet of clover and vanilla with a big boost of blackberry and a bit of strawberry fruitiness makes this beverage very... Read More
Bourbon Barrel Aged Koffi Porter was evaluated as a Wood Aged Beer (BJCP 2015 Style 33B, Specialty Wood Aged Beer) with the underlying style as Spice/Herb/Vegetable (BJCP 2015 Style 30A, because of the coffee), and the base beer closest to a Baltic Porter (BJCP Style 9C). Nice roasty sweet... Read More
Evaluated as BJCP 2015 style 29A (Fruit Beer) with a base style of American Wheat (BJCP 2015 style 1D).
This fruit beer pours with a huge, billowing beige head of tiny bubbles with a slight orangish tint. The head is persistent and fades slowly, leaving Belgian lace on the side of the... Read More
Buenos Tiempos by Belching Beaver Brewery a Mexican Lager and is being evaluated as a BJCP 2015 style 2A International Pale Lager. It pours with a big poofy (but fairly loose) white head that quickly fades to a small cordon ring at the edge of the glass. The beer is slightly hazy and a very... Read More