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Editorial Dept.

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Editorial Dept.

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online is the beer and beverage industries’ leading media authority that covers a range of consumer and professional interest categories including beer and beverage news, people, food & travel, beverage trends, education, expert beverage reviews, blogs, and lifestyles content including cannabis, CBD, spirits, gaming, gambling, casinos, technology, consumer products, and more.

Articles, stories and reviews that are published under the Editorial Department by-line have been produced as a collaborative effort by multiple staff editors within our editorial department with expertise on the subject.

You may reach the editorial department with questions, story pitches or opportunities by email at:

editorial (at) beerconnoisseur (dot) com


My articles

The Most Interesting Man In The World - Numero Dos
Beer has long been a tool for greasing the hinges of communication – from first dates to the founding of the USA. In a time where divides feel...
Upslope Brewing Co. in Boulder, Colorado celebrated its eight year anniversary this past Saturday with 50 beers on tap, live music, food truck, games...
The Original Craft Beer Club
PARTNERS The Original Craft Beer Club Willamette Valley Hops   ADVERTISERS Anderson Valley Brewing Co. Bear Republic Brewing Co. Beer Cap Maps Bell's...
Massachusetts Brewers Guild
The Massachusetts Brewers Guild was founded in 2007 by a group of committed and passionate brewers. It has been instrumental in protecting the...
 World Class | N10 Imperial Blended Ale by Ninkasi | Pogue's Run Porter by Flat12 Bierworks
Judging Process Our reviews are conducted in a single-blind tasting format. This method provides the best opportunity to rely on facts and to avoid...
Dr. David Ryder, arguably the world's most accomplished brewer, will join Milwaukee, Wisconsin's newest brewery City Lights Brewing Company as its "...
Cape May Brewing Co. Releases Three Plows IPA
As part of their commitment to sourcing locally, Cape May Brewing Co. announce a modern first in the state of New Jersey: a beer made with all New...
Two Roads Brewing Company of Stratford, CT today announced the expansion of their brewing campus with the planned addition of a 25,000 square foot...
Brian Hink, Head Brewer
BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe? One of the core beliefs here at Cape May is that we can always do better.  We have grown by leaps and bounds...

