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Dan Preston

Dan Preston's picture
Beer Judge

Dan discovered craft beer his junior year of college and never looked back. After a few years of brewery tours and tastings, he finally dove into homebrewing in 2009 when a work colleague was giving up the hobby. Shortly after, he joined one of the oldest club’s in the nation (Boston Wort Processors) and quickly got into judging beer and was a National-ranked BJCP judge by 2013. As an officer of the Worts since 2011, Dan has assisted in organizing several AHA/BJCP competitions as well as trying to promote beer education and experimentation. While he appreciates and makes all beer styles, Dan’s favorites are of the hoppy or sour variety, and has even had great luck combining the two.



My reviews

East Coast Common

Smuttynose Beer East Coast Common
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

California commons are a unique beer. It’s an American lager, but fermented at ale temperatures. It’s synonymous with Anchor Steam and is typically a showcase for Northern Brewer hops, which are woody and minty. While this beer may call itself a California Common, it’s much more like an IPA. It... Read More

Maple Tripple Ale

Lawson's Finest Liquids Maple Tripple Ale beer
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
24 / 24
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

This beer pours a very deep copper with mahogany hues, a huge dense off-white head and great clarity. The aroma is intense and complex with rich vanilla & oaky liquor notes with lots of dark fruit (plums, cherries, raisins, currants) and melanoidins. There is also some light chocolate ntoes... Read More

Madam Basil

Madam Basil, Holy City Brewing
Judges Rating:
4 / 6
20 / 24
34 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

Madam Basil by Holy City Brewing is a Saison, but due to the addition of basil will be judged as a Spice, Herb, Vegetable Beer under BJCP 2015 category 30A with a base of Saison (category 25B). The difficulty in this SHV style is layering the SHV element such that it complements the style while... Read More
