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Pat Mulloy

Pat Mulloy's picture
Beer, Cider and Mead Judge

Pat is a National BJCP Judge with mead certification. Pat grew up in Midland Michigan. He has been drinking beer for half a century and from the start he pursued small local and regional brands and anything he hadn't seen before. He brewed his first home brew in the mid 60's - a complete flop and then dabbled a little during the 70s. A three month trip to England (2 weeks) and Amsterdam (2 1/2 months) in the early 70s was an eyeopener to the world of beer. He followed that up with 4 years in Toronto during grad school in the 70s when the major Canadian brewers there produced a much broader range of brands and he drank every one of them. At the end of the decade, a trip to Portland introduced him to the first vestiges of craft beer.
Settling into Minneapolis in 1979 the lack of beer diversity rekindled his interest in Homebrewing and he brewed around 300 batches between 1980 and 1990. By 1990 craft beer had spread enough where he could feed his craft beer habit without spending the entire weekend in his basement. During the 90s frequent road tips through Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan were at times required to ensure sufficient diversity in beer but by the dawn of the new century it required far less travel to find good craft beer.
Pat publishes a monthly newsletter Romancing the Foam about the enjoyment of good beer and has just launched a website at If you do not see him biking around Minneapolis to the various craft breweries and excellent craft beer bars, he is either in his garden sampling craft beer or siting on his computer adding to his website. It is a great time to love beer.


My reviews

Judges Rating:
5 / 6
23 / 24
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This is a fruity Brett strain with stone fruit – especially apricot – aromas out front supported by traces of pineapple, citrus and overripe fruit with light bread crumb and a hint of bubble gum. The pour produces a big, boisterous 3” cap perched atop a hazy gold column permeated with streams of... Read More

Pockets of Sunlight

Pockets of Sunlight, Jackie O's Brewery
Judges Rating:
4 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Pockets of Sunlight by Jackie O's Brewery was reviewed as BJCP Style 25B, Saison. Prying off the cap releases an inviting aroma where honey, coriander and lemon verbena blend nicely with the mixed fermentation aromas, light biscuit and faint hops. It fills the glass hazy gold under a creamy... Read More

Hazy Sabro IPA

Hazy Sabro IPA

United States
Hazy Sabro IPA, pFriem Family Brewers

Our New England-inspired, Hazy Sabro IPA greets you with an aromatic, hoppy hello of papaya, key lime, cantaloupe and pine. It’s both complex and crushable with a lingering, grapefruit finish, refreshing as a beam of sun spilling on a Pacific forest floor.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
40 - 45º F
Simpson’s Maris Otter, Bob’s Red Mill Rolled Oats
Mosaic, Citra, Sabro



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Judges Rating:
5 / 6
23 / 24
40 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
20 / 20

Hazy Sabro IPA by pFriem Family Brewers was judged as as a Specialty IPA, 21B New England IPA, per the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

In an effort to push the limits many brewers pack NEIPAs so full of hops, yeast and sediment that they burn a hole in your stomach. This beer demonstrates... Read More



United States
Fluffy, Night Shift Brewing

Our flagship hazy IPA, Fluffy sips like a fresh squeeze of hoppy orange juice. It features all cryo hops in the recipe, 95% added post-boil for an extra drinkable, minimally bitter profile. Heavy dry-hopping adds layer upon layer of citrus saturation. Every sip is juicy and bright, bursting with enormous flavors of sweet clementine, fresh apricot, and ripe mango.
For many years, we only had enough of the right hops to make very small, limited batches of Fluffy. When a release dropped, the batch would sell out in days, if not hours, and we were just happy people loved it so much. Today, we’ve secured enough of those juicy hops to make big batches of Fluffy, and we can share it all over New England and beyond.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45º - 50º F
Rahr Pale, Oats, C-20, Carapils
Cryo Citra, Cryo Simcoe, Cryo Idaho 7



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Judges Rating:
5 / 6
22 / 24
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Fluffy by Night Shift Brewing was judged according to the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines, Style 21C (Hazy IPA).

This is a beer you want to stock your fridge with. Cracking the can releases rich, complex fruit aromas laced with orange, citrus and stone fruit. There are no grassy or herbal... Read More

Fresh Powder

Fresh Powder by The Virginia Beer Co.
Judges Rating:
4 / 6
22 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This beer smells like sitting outside on a warm sunny spring day eating a cup of citrus, tropical fruit and melon with a fresh baguette nearby and aromas of finished compost and fresh cut grass far in the background. It’s a hazy, murky pour looking very much like a glass of fresh-squeezed orange... Read More

Ahnapee Oktoberfest

Ahnapee Oktoberfest, Ahnapee Brewery
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
20 / 24
40 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Ahnapee Oktoberfest by Ahnapee Brewery was judged as a Märzen, BJCP Style 6A under 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

I like this beer. It pours a brilliant reddish copper under a moderate off-white foam cap as a range of bready, toasty dough aromas rise from the glass. The beer brushes your... Read More

